Schopp & Co
Trust & Estate Tax,
Accounting & Advisory Services
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​Recently, I decided to go back to school in pursuit of my masters degree in taxation.
In order to have the time to dedicate to my studies, we are not taking any new trust and estate clients.
Once the degree is complete, we will get right back to preparing trust and estate returns.​
Fair warning; I am taking one class at a time, so this might take a while!!​
Best Regards ~ Margaret​
Message from partner
About eleven years ago, I launched my accounting firm and reached out to a tax CPA for advice on the tax benefits of an S Corporation versus a C Corporation.
During that conversation, the tax CPA used so much tax jargon and was so condescending, I felt stupid and intimidated. It was almost as if he was more interested in demonstrating how smart he was instead of helping me with my tax problem.
Well on that day, I vowed that I would create a firm that did not talk down to the client, instead will provide support to all the clients whether that be understanding the tax impact of a new business or implementing an estate plan.
Over the years, the services of the company have evolved, but no mater what we do, our core values stay the same - help our client understand all the nuances of taxes without using jargon.
Margaret Schopp